How To Relax on Your Wedding Day

It looks like mother nature decided not to be so kind this month in Paris !  You can’t have missed the flood that transformed recently the seine river  into a big lake in the middle of the city. Mind you, that is not something you might see happening again, so better capture it with your selfie stick. The one who are a little less enchanted  are the brides and grooms who came all the way from abroad to get married in Paris, looking to celebrate their love in the most romantic city in the world !  We are feeling very sorry for them and trying anything to make it up !

You probably already know that a wedding celebrated under the rain means a very happy and long-lasting wedding.  Wondering what happens to the ones who happens under a bright sun ? Oh well, I guess it’s just a way to make you feel better, when you have to face the worse ! The weather is the one unpredictable thing that any wedding planner can’t predict and secretly dread !

This month has been  particularly challenging for us also as we had to find quick solutions for our past 3 weddings ! So today, we have compiled a little article for our dearest brides who are feeling overwhelmed and looking at any ways to get relaxed. So enjoy girls , this one is for you !

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Credit Images by the talended Gabriele Basilico

1. Your wedding ,  your wishes

I have noticed that some brides pay far too much attention on what guests and families will think about the choices they made, they end up forgetting about what they initially wanted. It is absolutely wonderful to be looking to please your guests, but once you have taken decisions,  be sure to stick to it. And we will help !!! Do not worry about it anymore ! Your guests have came all the way to Paris to experience your luxury destination wedding and be certain, most of them will trully understand and respect your choices ! Of course, there will always be someone unhappy or complaining about something, don’t pay attention to those and send them back the negative energy ! In other way, remain focus on the good vibes your behalf and best friends are sharing with you. There is probably lots around you !

2. Just let go !

We try to control things because of what we think will happen if we don’t.  Let go all the things you can’t control. Once of the best lesson to learn in life ! The weather is one of the best exemple. I think those brides who experience a plan B are super brave and would deserve an extra price for that ! I always try to put myself in the couple’s shoes, and trying to feel how I would react !  ( That could be dramatic – My wedding planner would need to be very patient  as my expectation would be very high – I admit that I am not married yet. But that’s on the ‘to-do-list’ !). Learn, accept and move forward !  There are so many things we cannot control. Embrace the solution that’s coming to you. When the bride let go, she open herselves to all sorts of wonderful possibilities that aren’t there when she is attached to one right path.

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3. Trust your wedding planner

I have learnt that being a wedding panner goes actually way beyond planning. And that’s probably why I love doing this so much. It is not a job, it’s a passion !  It takes some serious people skills, excellent communication, problem solver, and dealing with a huge amount of stress, nothing surprising that event planner is on the top 5 most stressful job ever. With all that said, remember why you have initially hired a party planner and do trust his judgment when taking decisions. It is your first wedding, but we have planned hundreds, and are usually ready to face challenges ( and as crazy as it sounds, we love it ). Most of the couple instinctively give  full power to the wedding planner and his team on the wedding day or when the week end festivities start. Taking decision on behalf of a couple involves taking risks, if it fails, it would go back right into our face !  Always have faith in the universe, have faith in your wedding planner !

4. Drink & Eat well on your wedding day 

The gorgeous haute-couture dress is bought, the final fitting has happened,  the last thing you want is to feel bloated as you walk down the aisle. While you have certainly kept up with your already-healthy diet in the months leading up to the wedding, certain foods have been shown to leave the body feeling a little swollen around the seams. A good rule of thumb is to stick to a basic elimination diet during the two weeks before the wedding. Many brides completely skip to drink enough water or eat at all. You are probably mentally and physically tired, with all the pressure that was put on your shoulder. But you definitely need to eat on the wedding day. I always try to allocate time for the bride and groom to be to take a proper lunch. It is an occasion for them to relax with the wedding party. I also always make sure that the wedding party get some cold champagne in the afternoon.

best wedding planner

5. Meditate & do Yoga !

Meditation or practice of yoga on the weeks that lead to the wedding is a smart choice, that I can only recommend. I am a well being big fan, and as much as I love working hard, I do take care of myself a lot. You might understand why I always feel confident talking about that subject to the brides.  There are different ways to meditate, and since it’s such a personal practice there are probably more than any of us know about. The point is to focus strongly on one point and continually bring your attention back to that focal point when it wanders.

Scientists have developed a more thorough understanding of what’s taking place in our brains when we meditate. Our brains stop processing information as actively as they normally would. We start to show a decrease in beta waves, which indicate that our brains are processing information, even after a single 20-minute meditation session, even if we’ve never tried it before. How does that sound to you ? Would you like to experience it during your wedding in Paris ? 

6. Why are you getting married !?

At last, but not least, and it feel that is it somehow slightly forgotten a few days before the wedding. Remember why you and your fiancé are doing all this wedding planning in the first place ? Stop thinking about budget, deadline, rules, etiquettes, stressful parents, time and embrace the chance you have to have found the love of your life. When you are feeling over stressed, remember why you love each other, what you think about your relationship, and what plans you may together for the future ?

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We recently got reminded  with the tragic Orlando attacks, that life is extremely precious and fragile.  We need to celebrate life, love and happiness on a daily basis. We are being given lots of chances , you never know how perfect things might turn out.

A wedding certainly bring out the worse and the best ouf of people, it involves tonnes of emotions. If you go through all the wedding planning process, and still alive at the end, then there’s a very big chance, you and your fiance can  face anything together ! Until you have decided to celebrate your wedding in Paris, be certain that we will take very good care of you.

Wishing you all a fabulous week end  with gratitude and positive energy ! Sumptuous Events Paris, your destination wedding planner.

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Further Reading

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