Guide to Propose Your Girlfriend

Are you deeply in love with your girlfriend but you have no idea on how to propose? Is this because you fear that you might be rejected, or because you want to be original ? If yes, then you have come to the right place. I have seen these techniques work by myself. I have advised some clients with some of these tips and they have succeeded. So, let’s just give a look at a few ways, which you can use to win the heart of the love of your life.

Simplicity does still work ! Choose a place where you both feel good and comfortable. That can be the restaurant where you first dated, or during  a walk in a parc, but make sure you won’t be distracted,  talk about how much you love your girlfriend and how happy you feel to be with her, it can slowly rise the pressure, to the point that she is going to feel something is going on ! Then simply be kneeled down on your knees with a ring in your hand, and pop up the question. I would really advice to hire a photographer that would discreetly follow you, those pictures will be such a great souvenir for you too.

For a great surprise effect, and if your loved one is really into movies, then you can  have a word with the stage manager and ask him to flash a personalized video of yours containing a proposal. Your loved one will feel like a super star. Actually popping up the message anywhere is something cool. Are you into board game, why don’t you display the message as you play scrabble or at the bottom of the warm beverage ? Could be on a banner that pedestrians would flash, over a bridge, and you would sail underneath on a private cruise;  If you are the extravagant type,  you can go for an aerial proposal. Let the love of your life see that you love her to the heights.
This might be a little time taking, but really a very beautiful way to propose. Take pictures every time you meet and convert it into a sequence with a good romantic song in the background. As soon as the last picture appears, just kneel down and propose.

Send a bouquet of her favorite flowers every morning for a week, or maybe a month with small loving notes in it. When you feel that now you have gained the attention of your lover, just send a very special bouquet with a marriage proposal note. Do you like flashmob and musical, why don’t you hire the home town church choirs and ask them to sing « Marry You » Bruno Mars at the end of the sunday mass ?

If you really want your loved one to say a super emotional ‘yes,’ then you both should go for a holiday in Paris !  We have some of the most beautiful picturesque backdrops for your proposal ! Eiffel Tower, Musee du Louvre & Place des Voges to name a few ! And on a fine evening, just pop the question.

The possibilities are endless, don’t be afraid to seek the help of a profesionnal to set up your elaborated proposal. Remember, if your love is all that matters to you make this a very special event. Go get the love of your life and live happily with the person forever after.

Further Reading

Same Sex Proposal in New York City

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Choosing your Wedding Dress

I am not a woman, although I can understand the difficulty that comes with choosing the perfect wedding gown to wear on your big day. There was a time when it was very common for […]

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