Same Sex Proposal in New York City

Love always finds its way when it’s meant to be! Kenny and Jason grew up in the same city of Syracuse, USA.  Before they madly fell in love, they were friends for years. Their friendship was becoming stronger and survived the distance and all challenges. They also studied at the same university. Sumptuous Events New York is proud to share with you today this inspiring and beautiful same-sex proposal in New York and engagement shoot beautifully captured by Oriel Pe’er. Enjoy ! 


gay proposal new york

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Jason remembers their first encounter : 

« I have always been a big fan of poetry and romantic books; I often used to go the library just to enjoy the atmosphere of that place was so quaint! That’s where we first met. There was a reading group every Tuesday night. I didn’t even know I was attracted to guys at that time. We started to see each other more often, jogged together, and played tennis together. We both love nature, hiking, and taking boat trips on the Ontario Lake. That’s how we discover our attraction for men more or less together. Every time Jason was meeting someone, I used to be happy for him, but at the same time a little envious. »

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wedding planner same-sex

gay proposal central park

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Jason revives the beginnings of their love story :

« Kenny always had the most handsome boyfriends! When he moved to New York City for a new job in a bank, I remember being so sad about it. Then we started seeing each other a little less. However, I was following his adventures on the social media, new friends, new life, and also a new lover. It seemed like he was with the man of his dreams! But, one night, out of a sudden, he called me crying and said they ended up their relationship, and he needed me! It felt like the good old times. I was so surprised and happy that he called me!

same-sex wedding

I booked my ticket right away, and the next day, I met Kenny at his favorite cafe in Chelsea, NY. He was sitting on his own, clearly had cried before, he had a plate with donuts that he was stuffing in his mouth with no much conviction, just like a sad kid! Despite the apparent despair on his face, Kenny was a handsome man, both confident and fragile. We hugged each other for 30 seconds. He busted into tears and told me how happy he was to see me and that I traveled all the way after the time spent apart. My heart was pounding, and I had a goose pimple looking in his eyes!

That’s exactly when I realized I always loved him, and that my deepest wish was to stay with him forever and protect him. It was an electric feeling, like I got zapped, and suddenly I realized everything was about to change in a big way.

“At that moment, we both knew what was happening ! “

We started ‘dating’, which was a little strange for us at the beginning, as we knew each other so well. When you start to date your best friend, you gain a lot: a protector, undeniable confidence, and a feverish determination to make the relationship work. But, you also lose a lot and learn a lot. »

wedding planner new-york

Read on to find out why taking on the challenge is a tough feat,            

but at the end of the day, totally worth it:

Jason : « I traveled back and forth from Syracuse for three months, but couldn’t bare being away from Kenny. Then, I got a job in NYC, and we moved together soon after. I could feel Kenny is happy with the way he looked at me. We started to make plans, bought a dog, and talked about marriage. We didn’t know who will propose first, but we knew one of us would! I didn’t want to plan something crazy or complicated. I always thought the New Year was a time for resolutions!

same-sex proposal new york

We both love going to Central Park on early Sunday mornings, as a way to reconnect with nature. So, we went to Kenny’s favorite spot, Ladie’s Pavillon, that was a joke between us. Unlike the other mornings in January, it was sunny and empty. It felt like the park was there for only two of us!!! With the help of a planner, I had a photographer hidden behind the trees, following us. I proposed and he accepted! Later that night, we stayed at the ‘William Hotel’, where we had a fabulous meal, and the most romantic night in a blue suit! »

gay couple wedding

same-sex wedding new york

And, this is what Kenny says about the big day:

« The minute Jason said he wanted to go to Central Park that Sunday morning, I knew he was going to propose. He was excited and always talking on the phone. I just wanted to scream yes, yes, yes, that entire week, but I waited patiently. I felt like the happiest person in the world. We will exchange our vows on a beach, in Trinidad & Tobago next October, with dear friends and family. »

gay wedding paris

gay wedding new-york

wedding planner same-sex

VENDORS LIST :  Photographer: Oriel Pe’eer Photography & Motion – Florist: Designs by Ahn –  Wedding Planner, Styling & Production : Sumptuous Events  –  Wedding Cake: Cake Alchemy – – Venue: The William Hotel  – Wedding Rings:  Forever Equal .

Further Reading

A Perfect Wedding Speech

Traditionally, weddings gather lots of close friends and family that you and your beloved cherish. Among the floral arrangements, choice of venues and wedding photographer, you have most likely allocated many hours discussing those that […]

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How To Relax on Your Wedding Day

It looks like mother nature decided not to be so kind this month in Paris !  You can’t have missed the flood that transformed recently the seine river  into a big lake in the middle […]

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